What is "Plank Builders"?

“Plank Builders” is a peaceful construction game, which takes the players on a journey back to their childhood. Magical marbles have the ability to make stuffed toys come alive. Together with the stuffed animals, the player plans and constructs different buildings made from small wooden planks. As the player, you embark on the quest of finding and reaching all the stuffed toy monkeys hidden in the room.

But there is a problem! - You can’t touch the floor! So you got to place down plank routes first before you create more and more elaborate constructions. Fill the room with your creativity and awake all the stuffed toy monkeys.




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We are an indie game design studio located in Basel, Switzerland. Our goal is to establish an independent game design studio where we develop and release game projects. Besides the dream of an independent game design studio, we also wish to promote and add to the progress of creating the game design industry in the area of Basel. Our two-person studio is currently working on the following projects: Plank Builders, our former BA Projct and The Thief Of Homburg, a cooperation project with the archeological institution of Basel-Country.


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